Ku-ring-gai Council: Celebrating the Success of the Textile Rescue Program 2021-22

A huge thank you to Ku-ring-gai Council for sponsoring the Textile Rescue Program 2021-22. This initiative has been a remarkable success, receiving an enthusiastic response from both schools and the broader community.

Impressive Results
We are thrilled to announce that the program collected an astounding 461 kg of textiles! Initially, we predicted each school would contribute 25-30 kg per term, but schools in Ku-ring-gai exceeded expectations, averaging 32 kg per collection. This achievement has saved over 414 cubic meters of land from textile waste and prevented 602 kg of CO2 emissions from landfill.

Environmental Impact
By diverting these textiles from landfills, we have also prevented the creation of harmful microplastics, protecting our environment and wildlife. These pre-kerbside collections have significantly mitigated potential environmental damage.

Seeing is Believing
During collections, school admin teams had the opportunity to view some early prototype tiles made from the collected textiles. Their response was overwhelmingly supportive. To the left, you can see examples of the innovative composite material we've developed.

FabTec is a versatile composite material made by combining textiles and plastic waste, suitable for a variety of applications.

If you're interested in exploring our range, please let us know, and we will happily send you our catalogue.

Thank you again to Ku-ring-gai Council and everyone involved for making this program a resounding success!

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